The John Lennon Memorial Concert Benefits the
Portland Police Bureau Sunshine Division
by Warren Ryland and The John Lennon Memorial Society of Oregon, Inc., honored
John Lennon's birthday on Saturday, October 13th, 2001 at the
Roseland Theater,
located at 8 NW 6th Av, in Old town Portland, Oregon.
The show ran from 7:00PM to 12:15AM featuring
Beatles and Lennon music performed by Volunteer performers Tom Grant, Jay
Koder, Jeff Labansky, Lew Jones, Hard Day's Knights,
The Superficials, The Defenders
(Shaky Ground) with Bobby Torres, Boys Next Door, Paul Yurick's Yesterday, and
The Hallelujah Chorus. It also featured Beatles video clips and drawings for
door prizes donated by
Music Millennium.
Admission was $10.00 which raised $1500 for the
Sunshine Division.
The John Lennon Memorial Concert has raised
over 34,000 pounds of food from 1983 to 1996 and $8491.00 since 1998 for
the Portland Police Bureau Sunshine Division , and in 1997 raised $2000 for
Doernbecher Children's Hospital.
We want to thank the above sponsors, and Double-Tee
Productions for waiving the charge for the theater, The Drum Shop for
providing the stage drums, Safeway for helping us publicize the event, InFocus
Corporation for providing a video projector, and Portland Brewing Company for
providing refreshments and The Iron Horse Restaurant for providing munchies
for our volunteer musicians and staff. We also want to thank everyone who
attended and helped us feed a few hungry people.
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